

Eventum 1.7.1がリリースされました。


Eventumは、サポート部門で届いたテクニカルサポート要求を追跡するために使われたり、ソフトウェア開発チームでタスクとバグを素早くまとめたりするために使われるユーザーフレンドリーで柔軟な問題追跡システムです。Eventumは、MySQL AB社の技術サポートチームで使用され、劇的にレスポンス時間を改善することを可能にしました。

我々のダウンロードページhttp://dev.mysql.com/downloads/other/eventum/とミラーサイトからソースの形で、現在Eventum 1.7.1のダウンロードが可能であることを発表できることを誇りに思います。




- Fixed bug with Workflow::handleAssignmentChange() being called too often (Bryan)
- Fixed bug that allowed unassigned issues even if "Allow unassigned issues" is set to no (Bryan)
- Added information on what community users should do to contribute code to the Eventum project (Joao)
- Fixed bug that tried to set status to "Assigned" when an issue was created with assignees (Bug #16165) (Bryan)
- Fixed bug with sorting by last action date with MySQL 5 (Bryan)
- Fixed bug with workflow API when updating custom fields (Bryan)
- Changed issue ID field to automatically strip non numeric characters when looking up issue (Bryan)
- Fixed bug that was causing too many redirects (Bryan)
- Added X-Eventum-Category special header (Bryan)
- Added workflow method to check if a user can email an issue (Bryan)
- Fixed bug where statuses were not restricted on view issue page (Bryan)
- Fixed bug with not encoding title on RSS feed (Bryan)
- Added favicon (Contributed by Georger Araujo)
- Added new constant APP_COOKIE_URL (Bryan)
- Fixed bug with using authentication when sending mail (Bryan)
- Fixed bug with empty reply-to headers causing mail to be associated with the wrong issue (Bryan)
- When creating a new issue from an email, add the senders to the authorized repliers list (Bryan)
- Added option to send closing comments to all users (Bryan)
- Fixed bug with custom date fields on anonymous report form (Bug #17166) (Bryan)
- Added new special header 'X-Eventum-Project' (Bryan)
- Added workflow method for when a user is added to the Authorized repliers list (Bryan)
- Added feature to allow sorting by custom fields (Bryan)
- Added full path to reports link (Bug #17551) (Bryan)
- Fixed bug with searching on custom date fields (Bryan)
- Changed naming format of saved routed emails/notes/drafts to be easier to read (Bryan)
- Fixed bug with issues not being created when using ellipsis in issue description using Internet Explorer (Bryan)
- Fixed bug with notification email showing wrong status when sending a note (Bryan)
- Fixed bug with searching by keyword on email page (Bryan)
- Fixed bug with showing old project name when auto switching projects (Bryan)
- Added ability to use different hashing method for passwords (Bryan)
- Allow issue auto creation to work with subject based routing (Bryan)
- Fixed subject based routing to work across multiple projects (Bryan)
- Fixed page refreshes to use the relative URL instead of the absolute URL (Bryan)
- Fixed subject encoding in mail queue (Elan Ruusamae)
- Truncate issue list in issue lookup to 70 characters (Elan Ruusamae)
- Changed recent activity report to open issue links in blank windows (Elan Ruusamae)
- Changed file upload window to not automatically close if there was an error uploading the file (Elan Ruusamae)
- Changed templates to display 'Add Email/Note/Draft/etc' button, even when section is collapsed (Elan Ruusamae)
- Fixed bug that prevented "Record Time Worked" section from being displayed (Elan Ruusamae)
- Changed mail handling routines to be case insensitive (Elan Ruusamae)
- Changed link filters to match more links and email addresses (Elan Ruusamae)