

Eventum 2.1がリリースされました。

Eventum 2.1がリリースされました。






Eventum 2.1のダウンロードが可能であることを発表できることを誇りに思います。






参照ください。 はじめてEventumをインストールすることについては、INSTALLファイルを説明書として読ん



より詳細な情報は http://eventum.mysql.org/ で利用可能です。




Changes in this release:

- Fixed error with DB error when removing assignees from issue assignment list (Bryan)

- Rewritten error handling to create less smaller error reports (Elan Ruusamae)

- Make issue associated list as text field (Bryan, Elan Ruusamae)

- Implementing per project "mail aliases" (Alessandro Ogier, Elan Ruusamae)

- Rollback file upload if there was an error instead of creating lingering attachments (Elan Ruusamae)

- Made timetracking window input more convenient (Elan Ruusamae)

- Display email addresses to whom email was sent when issue was updated (Elan Ruusamae)

- Remove unnecessary array_map that breaks UTF-8 encoding in charts legend (Grzegorz 'Dzikus' Sterniczuk)

- Propagate errors from invalid to header and ignore it in emails listing page (Elan Ruusamae)

- Add "Show Times spent on issue" to weekly report page (Elan Ruusamae, Raul Raat)

- Fixed bug with viewers updating preferences (Bryan)

- Improved Weekly Reports output possibilities (Raul Raat)

- Added more information to Workflow::shouldEmailAddress (Bryan)

- Fixed bug with adding warning message to base64 encoded email (Bryan)

- Added "Recipients" to view email and view note page (Bryan)

- Added seperate columns for different custom field datatypes (Bryan)

- Display database error in text mode when invoked from cron (Elan Ruusamae, Raul Raat)

- Hide issue stats from reporters when "Segregate Reporters" is enabled (Bryan)

- Fixed bug with lookup layer on edit notification list (Bryan)

- Fixed bug with reminders when no recipients are found (Bryan)

- Fixed bug with emails downloaded from mail server only being sent to issue assignee (Bryan)

- Added support level to list issues page (Bryan)

- Fixed conditional statements involving roles and localization (Bryan)

- Update add time tracking window so that change of start time changes the end time (Raul Raat)

- Don't hide Total Time Spent: when hiding time tracking block in issue details page (Raul Raat)

- Added ability to control if a custom fields is required and validation options from backend (Bryan)

- Added option to include custom fields on close issue page (Bryan)

- Added more parameters to Customer::notifyIssueClosed() (Bryan)

- Call Workflow::getAdditionalEmailAddresses() when notifying an issue has been updated (Bryan)

- Add extra parameter to Workflow::getAdditionalEmailAddresses() to allow issue diffs to be passed (Bryan)

- Fixed bug with not encoding [ and ] in address strings (Bryan)

- Changed roles needed to move issues between projects (Bryan)

- Added option to hide closed issues on stats page (CmputrAce)

- Make variable available for workflow to be able to detect whether the email created new issue (Elan Ruusamae)

- Added support for inactive options to Custom field backends (Bryan)

- Fixed bug with saving routed email (Bryan)

- Added workflow method to control if email addresses are automatically added to the notification list (Bryan)

- Fixed bug with blocked emails adding sender to the notification list (Bryan)

- Changed customer API to support multiple contracts (Bryan)

- Fixed bug with closed issue notification going out even when it shouldn't have (Bryan)

- Prevent users of being notified if they assign an issue to themselves (Bryan)

- Updated Smarty and PEAR packages to latest versions (Elan Ruusamae)

- Fixed tab order of custom fields (Bryan) - Fixed bug with expandable tables (Bryan)