MySQL Community Server 5.5.46は世界でもっともポピュラーなオープンソースデータベースの5.5のプロダクトリリースの新しいバージョンです。MySQL 5.5.46はプロダクションシステムでの使用をお勧めします。
MySQL 5.5は最新のマルチCPUやマルチコアハードウェアやオペレーティングシステムの利点を生かし、MySQLデータベースのパフォーマンスとスケーラビリ ティを改善するための影響の大きい変更をいくつか含んでいます。現在ではInnoDBがMySQLデータベースのデフォルトのストレージエンジンであり、 ACIDトランザクション、参照整合性、クラッシュリカバリをデフォルトで提供しています。
MySQL 5.5は以下の多くの新しい強化も含んでいます:
- Windowsにおける特有の機能と改善を利用した著しいパフォーマンス向上 - 新しい準同期レプリケーションとレプリケーションハートビートによるより高いレベルの可用性 - 改善されたインデックスとテーブルパーティショニング、SIGNAL/RESIGNALサポート、そして新しいPERFORMANCE_SCHEMAに含まれる強化された診断法による改善されたユーザビリティ
MySQL 5.5の新機能のより完全な概観については、以下のリソースを参照下さい。
MySQL 5.5 GA、Tomas Ulinのインタビュー:
ホワイトペーパー: MySQL 5.5の新機能
製 品レベルのシステムでMySQLを稼動させているならば、MySQL製品、バックアップ、モニタリング、モデリング、開発、管理ツールの包括的なセット を含むMySQLパフォーマンス、セキュリティ、アップタイムの高いレベルを実現するMySQL Enterprise Editionの製品詳細に注目してください。
新しいサーバへMySQL 5.5.46をインストールする情報として、以下のMySQLのインストールドキュメントを参照してください。
MySQL 5.5.46は、http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/とミラーサイトのダウンロード・ページから、ソースコード及び多くのプラットフォームのためのバイナリで現在利用可能です。
次の節では、MySQL 5.5の以前のバージョンからのMySQLソースコードの変更を記載しています。これはオンラインでも閲覧できます。
Changes in MySQL 5.5.46 (2015-09-30) * Functionality Added or Changed * Bugs Fixed Functionality Added or Changed * yaSSL was upgraded to version 2.3.8. (Bug #21888925) * yaSSL was upgraded to version 2.3.7d. This fixes a connection-failure issue when used with the thread pool plugin. (Bug #20774956) Bugs Fixed * InnoDB: A data corruption occurred on ARM64. GCC builtins did not issue the correct fences when setting or unsetting the lock word. (Bug #21102971, Bug #76135) * InnoDB: In READ COMMITTED mode, a REPLACE operation on a unique secondary index resulted in a constraint violation. Thanks to Alexey Kopytov for the patch. (Bug #21025880, Bug #76927) * InnoDB: The IBUF_BITMAP_FREE bit indicated that there was more free space in the leaf page than was actually available. (Bug #20796566) * InnoDB: Setting lower_case_table_names=0 on a case-insensitive file system could result in a hang condition when running an INSERT INTO ... SELECT ... FROM tbl_name operation with the wrong tbl_name letter case. An error message is now printed and the server exits when attempting to start the server with --lower_case_table_names=0 on a case-insensitive file system. (Bug #20198490, Bug #75185) * Partitioning: CREATE TABLE statements that used an invalid function in a subpartitioning expression did not always fail gracefully as expected. (Bug #20310212) * Partitioning: ALTER TABLE when executed from a stored procedure did not always work correctly with tables partitioned by RANGE. (Bug #16613004) * Certain subqueries as arguments to PROCEDURE ANALYSE() could cause a server exit. (Bug #21350175) * mysql_ssl_rsa_setup could create an unwanted .rnd file in the data directory. (The file is actually created by openssl, which mysql_ssl_ras_setup invokes. mysql_ssl_rsa_setup now cleans up the file.) (Bug #21335818) * An assertion could be raised due to incorrect error handling if a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE subquery resulted in deadlock and caused a rollback. (Bug #21096444) * Servers linked against yaSSL and compiled with GCC 4.8.2 could fail to respond correctly to connection attempts until several seconds after startup. (Bug #21025377) * For tables with subpartitions, the server could exit due to incorrect error handling during partition pruning if the partition could be identified but not the subpartition. (Bug #20909518) * DELETE could check privileges for the wrong database when table aliases were used. (Bug #20777016) * Within a trigger, use of a cursor that accessed OLD or NEW values from a row could cause a server exit. (Bug #20760261) * MySQL sometimes produced no warning when it was unable to interpret a character in a given character set. (Bug #20238729) * For MySQL distributions linked against yaSSL, a corrupt client key file could cause clients to exit. (Bug #20168526) * Execution of certain BINLOG statements while temporary tables were open by HANDLER statements could cause a server exit. (Bug #19894987, Bug #20449914) * On Windows, setting query_cache_min_res_unit to too large a value could result in a value of 0 and a subsequent server exit. (Bug #18487951) * RPM installation scripts if configuration files contained multiple datadir lines. Now the last datadir line is used. (Bug #77878, Bug #21527467) * For wait events, the Performance Schema uses the CYCLE timer by default, but failed to fall back to a different timer if CYCLE was unavailable. (Bug #77577, Bug #21374104) * Updating VARCHAR and TEXT columns in the same UPDATE statement could produce incorrect results. When a VARCHAR column was assigned to a TEXT column and the VARCHAR column was then set to a different value, the TEXT column's result contained the VARCHAR column's new value. (Bug #77135, Bug #21143080) * mysqladmin -u root -p could exit with a segmentation fault. (Bug #76538, Bug #20802751) * mysqlimport --use-threads did not actually use multiple threads. (Bug #76480, Bug #20772273) * View creation from a UNION failed with a duplicate-column error if a SELECT statement in the UNION other than the first used the same column name multiple times. (Bug #74539, Bug #19886430) * Empty XML elements having the form were not handled correctly by the LOAD XML statement. (Bug #67542, Bug #16171518) On behalf of Oracle MySQL Release Engineering Team, Gipson Pulla